The Will of God, A First Ray Activity

Excerpt from Telos – Messages for the Enlightenment of a Humanity in Transformation

Adama with Master El Morya

Adama speaks to us of the Blue Ray/Flame, the Ray of the Will of God. He explains the spiritual benefits of surrender to the Divine Will and offers a wonderful meditation which gives us a greater understanding of the word surrender.

Aurelia Louise

I feel great excitement because I know something big is in the making on the planet. I also know that energy is shifting rapidly now and the veils of separation between dimensions are gradually thinning. The ascended masters are in closer and increasingly personal contact with us, now more than they have been in thousands of years. If I compare how things used to be when I was a child or in my twenties with how they are now, there is a silver lining forming on the horizon. Even if the dark clouds are not yet completely dispelled, everyone is beginning to feel the changes. That is what I would like to share.

As we allow this unfoldment to take place, embracing all the steps, we discover the magic in it. It took a while for me to see and feel it, but now I really do. Those of us working directly with beings from the other side of the veil as teachers, are here to show the way for those seeking to create a better world. Ultimately, our lives are our own journey and no matter how much assistance is offered, no one can conduct our journey for us.

The next ten years will be the most important and crucial years we have ever lived on this planet.

They will determine what we will become and

where we will go in our cosmic future.

The planet and humanity have now reached the end of a major cosmic cycle. The Earth and those choosing it are now moving into a new cycle of enlightened evolution. As souls evolving on Her body, we are faced with the most important choices we will ever make. We must choose whether or not we want to accompany the Earth into a brand new reality of love and light or stay behind for another long round of incarnations in the third dimension. It is up to us to decide whether we want to experience the new world here or move on to another third dimensional planet in another universe and continue to experience life with the limitations and challenges that third dimensional life offers.

Our Earth deserves Her glorious ascension. The bells of her own graduation to a new cosmic cycle are now ringing. After all, despite the infinite love and tolerance she has offered humanity, she has not received much gratitude in return. She has offered us her body unconditionally, allowing us the opportunity to experiment with free will. The question now is, do we choose to move along to the next level, or do we stay behind? What reality are we really choosing to create and embrace for ourselves in the next few remaining years?

I constantly hear people lament that they are so caught up in everyday living that, as much as they want to do spiritual and healing work for the benefit of their evolution, their true spiritual quest is always put off for another time. They say, “Well, I’ll do it tomorrow or next month, or perhaps next year when things are more conducive or when my life slows down a little bit. Then I will have more time for my healing and spiritual work.” Do you realize that time waits for no one, and we are now at the threshold of monumental change?

What the Ascended Masters — Adama, Sananda, Maitreya, Archangel Michael, Saint Germain — and all other masters are telling us is that right NOW there is nothing, absolutely nothing, more important than our personal spiritual and healing work. Everything else is a distraction to keep us away from the real goal of our incarnation here.

The positive changes we so long for will only become a reality in our personal lives as a result of that work. Bottom line, there is no other way around it. Nothing will change in our lives unless we change it ourselves; this is our individual responsibility. This is what we came here to do in this life and if we do not want to do it, no one else can do it for us.

Yes, we do have to attend to the many obligations of our daily lives, but ultimately what will really count and make the difference for us in the next few years is not so much what we have done, but what we have become!

Contemplate this: What we do comes and goes in the passage of time, but what we become, as divine beings, embracing our divinity from the perspective of a human experience, remains with us for eternity.

Hmmm. . . . Adama is here. He is patiently waiting for me to finish talking. Perhaps he is wondering who has been invited to speak here today, him or me. (Laugh!)


Greetings, my beloved friends! I am speaking to you this day from my elegant home in Telos, but I am with all of you at the same time. We have today a silent partner in the awe-inspiring presence of our dear friend El Morya. We both want to convey our deep love to all those connecting with our hearts through this sharing.

Today I would like to talk about the Will of God as the path of “surrender.” You see, without the Will of God you will not go very far on your evolutionary pathway. This is the very first step, the first initiation that must be mastered before you can really progress through all the other steps. If you are not willing to surrender to the “greater will” of your being, the Will of your own “Divine Source,” how will you find your way home to the realm of Light? If you are not willing to surrender to that which is seeking to bring you all the way back “home,” to your divine perfection, joy, bliss and limitlessness, your lost paradise, how do you expect to ever get there?

The Will of God is not a God outside you. It is simply the God that you are and that you have always been, although when in physical incarnation you tend to forget temporarily. Your divine Presence is omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent and can fulfill all of your desires. You have temporarily forgotten that you are nothing less than an expression of this great I AM, incarnated in a human form. You came here with an agenda to attain soul perfection and expand your own divinity to the fullness of your God-Mastery and Wisdom. You are here seeking advanced enlightenment and total spiritual freedom. You are here to become an unlimited God in all planes of existence. This is an agenda of love for the Self and that Self is no one but “you.” You are still too caught up in your mundane affairs, not seeking to attain the goals you established for this incarnation. For too many of you, the affairs of your soul path and

soul evolution have become the last concerns on your agenda.

Well, my dear friends, when you consciously put aside the true goals of your incarnation for the sake of momentary human pursuits, your life does not reflect what you envisioned for yourself prior to your incarnation here. Once back on the other side of the veil, as you review the life just completed, there are always deep regrets. There is a profound desire to receive another opportunity for incarnation, to fulfill all the soul’s desires in the most recent life. This is how the merry-go-round of endless incarnations for the soul is created, one incarnation after the other. Your divine presence, with great patience and compassion, has granted you thousands upon thousands of these opportunities. For so many of you, each time you came here you ignored the reasons for your coming.

Lifetime after lifetime you did not meet your goals for that incarnation. This is why you are still here facing many challenges instead of enjoying the bliss of the light realms. You will keep coming back, again and again, until you finally surrender to the longings of your own soul. Your Divine Presence has watched you suffer endlessly for many lifetimes. It has observed your pain, your despair, your hopelessness, your fears, your tears, your doubts, your shames and your terrors. It has witnessed the great wisdom that has been gained in all of these incarnations, individually and for the whole of Creation. It is longing now to bring you home, to freedom, to love, to mastery, to oneness, and to all that you are as a divine being.

It yearns to bring you back home, but it cannot force you; it requires your willingness, your intention and your cooperation. It requires that you embrace all parts of yourself that you have abandoned and hated along the way through your many incarnations. Your GodSelf is calling you now to “surrender” to the path that is laid before you, day by day, with love and trust. Through that loving surrender, step-by-step, you will be shown the way back to the “sun of your being,” your divine perfection.

This is why surrender to the Will of your own divinity bestows such divine grace upon yourself.

It is “you” who will be the great beneficiary of this grace. Someday you will wonder why you have waited so long to finally come “Home.” Someday you will realize that you really never had to suffer; it was your choice. It was your resistance to the Love that you are that created all the pain and lessons you have experienced for so long. It is now time to embrace a way of life that will nurture all of you, instead of one that diminishes you.

When you surrender, it is the human ego, also known as the altered ego, that you gradually transform back into the original consciousness of your divine nature. As you surrender to the process of cleansing and healing yourself with absolute trust, without judgment and without fear, you can get through this rather quickly. The process of surrender is much less painful than fighting it all the way. The first step is always the hardest and most overwhelming part of the path. Trust that once you have taken that step, the rest is much easier.

When you resist what is best for your pathway, your soul will simply allow you to have your own way until you can’t stand it anymore. Time is not of the essence for the soul, but we, the masters of light, know that all of you have suffered on this planet long enough. We invite you now to choose a more joyful destiny.

In Telos, it is with great interest that we have been watching the reactions of the thousands of people who have read our information in our first book. So many of you, if not all of you, have experienced great heart openings. Your ancient memories have been awakened. We have watched the tears of hope and yearning when you read the material about our lives in Telos and Lemuria. You have become aware that a different kind of life is not only possible on this planet, but is being created by those embracing transformation through self-love and spiritual wisdom. With our assistance, this is what we invite you to do today. We have already walked the pathway for ourselves, thus opening the way for you to follow in our footsteps, holding our hands out to you. Because we are here for you now, the way will be much easier than it was for us. For all those desiring to join with us and share the lifestyle we enjoy, the path of love and surrender is the key to your homecoming.

We have reached the level of divine grace we are

experiencing today in our lives only because, a

long time ago, we “surrendered” to that divine

will. By doing so, our lives were gradually

transformed and so will yours be.

What we had to do, we did under circumstances that were much more difficult and painful than the situations you are presently experiencing. Let me say something about our passage to the Light 12,000 years ago. You might be surprised to know that after the destruction of our continent, all of us had to work out all of our issues in the same manner as is required of you at this time.

Consider that overnight, we lost everything we ever owned, everything we had ever identified with in Lemuria and, most painful of all, we were separated abruptly from nearly everyone we had ever loved. All the beauty of Lemuria, all our work over the ages, all the aspects of our day-to-day lives had suddenly vanished.

All that was left was “ourselves,” the divine

aspect of self that we had to surrender to

in order to receive again from our Creator.

Telos was then in a rather primitive state compared to the glorious and beautiful city it has become. We built a city in a large cave inside the mountain to save the small percentage of our people who survived, and what was left of our culture.

Understand that overnight, we had to adjust our lives to a lower standard of living that was quite difficult for a long time. With great courage and determination we forged a new life for ourselves. As time passed, we continued to build our city, not only for ourselves, but for future generations who would be born here in the Lemurian culture. Having lost everything except ourselves, we worked very hard for centuries, healing the wounds of our losses and creating something new and more permanent. It would require several volumes to describe all of the difficult challenges we had to face.

Our homecoming a long time ago, my dear friends, was not as simple as you might imagine. You are all on “easy street” at this time compared to the obstacles we had to overcome. We ask you not to be dismayed by what you are going through in your lives, but rather to surrender to the process. Surrender with “willing acceptance” to the events that will take place on your planet. They will come for the purpose of your deliverance from the chains you have created for yourselves. Simply open your heart to love and “trust” that your passage to the Light, as it was with ours, will not manifest without your conscious and sustained effort. Be assured that the rewards will be magnificent for those who persevere.

The Will of God is known as a First Ray activity,

and resonates with a blue vibration.

It is like a beautiful peacock-to-royal-blue in color. Its frequency is vibrant, alive and cleansing. It is also connected with what we call “the Diamond Heart.” Like any diamond, surrender to this Divine Will has many facets. Archangel Michael is a Blue Ray Angel and Master El Morya is a blue ray master, the guardian of the Diamond Heart of the Will of God.

The Blue Ray is the ray of divine power and leadership, the ray of power through the spoken and silent word. This is why it is connected with the throat chakra. It is the ray that has been most misused by humanity. Each time you are not speaking words of love and compassion you are misusing the energies of this ray. Each time you attempt to control or manipulate in order to have your own way, you are mis-using the energies of the blue ray. And be aware, the misuse of this energy is often performed in very subtle ways—so subtle, in fact, that you are not aware of it unless you are able to monitor all thoughts, words and actions from the heart center.

You understand and know what I mean. The Blue Ray will allow you to align in consciousness with the other masters. Master El Morya is known as a spiritual disciplinarian; his discipline is a reflection of the love he holds in his soul for all of you.

The rays are part of the basic curriculum you must master for this phase of your evolution. You have to master the God attributes of all seven rays equally, as well as the five secret rays. There is not one ray more important, greater or lesser, than the others. They need to be mastered, balanced and equally understood.

In different lifetimes, you may not always be working on the same ray. You are endeavoring to integrate and gain the wisdom of all of the rays. You were originally created on one of the rays, and this ray remains your permanent one. It is also called the monadic ray. However, because you originate as a blue or yellow or green ray soul it does not mean that you will work with that ray in every lifetime. You usually strive to gain mastery with two rays, and balance the others in oneness. You do this until you have mastered and balanced all the ray energies at deeper and deeper levels and passed all required initiations for ascension.

People come to the Earth plane for the very

purpose of forging their spiritual mastery.

Diligent work brings this about. This is why you have chosen to incarnate so many times. You cannot expect to gain full mastery of the divine by simply wishing it to be so. It does not work that way. The perfection and refinement of the soul is accomplished through a series of incarnations in the third dimension. For those of you who live with the illusion that space brothers are going to come rescue you from doing spiritual work to evolve your consciousness, you are setting yourself up for a big disappointment. For those of you imagining that you are simply going to be taken unconditionally into the light realm, I say, revise your thinking. The space brothers are not allowed to come and rescue you. There is no need for rescue because you have created the lifetime you are now living for the explicit purpose of soul growth.

In every lifetime, you incarnate on Earth

through a personal choice you make. You

have never been forced to come back here.

You choose in each and every lifetime the goals and experiences of your incarnation for the purpose of evolving your soul consciousness and gaining greater mastery. When you are on the other side between incarnations and become aware of all you have left undone during the last incarnation, you choose to come back. Your real desire is to align with and fulfill all your goals. You ask for another opportunity, and another, again and again, until you feel you have completed this phase of your evolution.

Each time you arrive here in the physical body, the veil of forgetfulness drops again and you feel trapped and cut off, totally immersed in the illusion. Life on this planet has been difficult for humanity because the consciousness has dropped to such a level of density, distortion and separation from divine principles. Humanity has gone as far as it can go into separation. The lessons learned, the experience gathered and the knowledge acquired are all invaluable.

This is now gradually shifting through the unprecedented assistance from the light realms and the civilizations of the Earth’s interior. Separation in the third dimension was an experiment to understand how souls would react when totally cut off from God. All of you in physical bodies volunteered for this cosmic project; otherwise you would not be here.

This great experiment, in which you so excitedly volunteered to participate millions of years ago, had a beginning time frame and an ending one. It has assisted the people of Earth to become strong and courageous souls. Because of their great sacrifices, the souls of Earth are now being lifted into greater glory, forging for themselves a grand destiny. You will become the showcase of this universe and the teachers of new civilizations to be born.

As you align yourselves with the Will of God through surrender, you are destined to become among the most “in-demand” souls anywhere in this and other universes. Planet Earth, which has experienced such great darkness and pain, will soon be lifted into a state of love and light, a way-shower for others. In truth, there is really no other place like Earth. Be proud and hopeful to be a citizen of this planet. You have suffered long enough, and it is now time for all of you to come home. It is with such wondrous anticipation that we wait to greet you and to hold you in our arms. We long to welcome you back to the valley of love, where the valley of tears has become the valley of joy.

As you peel off the layers of hurt and trauma

from the past, many of you discover that you

have a lack of trust in God and Spirit. For you,

“surrender” to divine will is a fearful proposal.

You feel that you have been betrayed and abandoned in this and other lifetimes. This core issue has been part of the original fall in consciousness. The original separation from your Divine Source created pain. Pain then created the world in which you now live. Separation allowed for the manifestations of individuation necessary to create the experiences you have had on this planet. How can you truly know God and your Self, without knowing what it is to not know God? What first began as a little fear and doubt grew into a lack of trust in God and yourselves.

Your test now is to allow yourself to trust the divine again and heal the consciousness that has created the separation from God. The universe is a loving and a benevolent place and will provide you with everything when you “trust.” “The fall” gradually evolved as a few incarnated souls began questioning whether God was always going to provide. After several million years when the Creator provided everything for everyone without fail, some began to contemplate what might happen if the supply suddenly stopped. They allowed themselves to “fall into the consciousness” that without God providing, they would have to provide for themselves. This distorted concept, held at first by only a few, was eventually communicated to the masses.

The fears that gave birth to this lack of trust became more and more amplified, enveloping the whole human race. They almost gave up their divine birthright, and the rest is history.

Surrender to God’s Will presents to the soul the initiations and the opportunity to restore the divine birthright. This lack of trust is what must be healed now. To do so takes courage and commitment. Stepping off the dock of what is known into the deep still waters of the unknown is the ultimate act of trust. Allow your heart to hear the call of your soul and you will know what choice to make. You will know what your true purpose is on this planet at this time of acceleration and evolution.

When you chose to “not trust,” God allowed you the experience and the many consequences as well as the wisdom that eventually came from it.

The fear people feel in trusting God is in making a commitment to the Higher Self to achieve their mastery and ascension and return home. This requires that you clear all issues. In the process, your Higher Self brings into your experience all the shadow material you have created for yourself throughout the ages. These issues must be examined in order to have the opportunity of making new choices in love and trust, rather than in fear.

All issues needing to be balanced and understood and any residual karma needing to be cleared are brought to your attention. Facing all of this can be temporarily challenging. You may think, “I made a commitment to start trusting God and my life has become more challenging.” Then you may choose to fall back into the cycle of mistrust. The path is to allow whatever is presented to you, and to witness it even if it is difficult for a while. No matter what appears in your life, even if it becomes temporarily more difficult, trust that you are on a new road and that the energy will eventually shift. Regardless of the millions of years of mistrust you have expressed toward your Creator, this homecoming to your true self can manifest rather quickly.

Think of Job in your scriptures. He was severely tested, but he continued to trust. When he was able to prove to God that he would continue to trust, in spite of everything he had lost, including his health and his wife and children, all was restored to him and much more. First, he had to journey through the dark night of the soul and so will you!

Allow yourself the process of going through this dark night. Finally, face all that you have hidden in the shadows for so long, without any judgment or attachment. It is in these shadows that you will also find all of your gifts. You will rediscover the attributes of your divine birthright, and your full energies will be restored to you. You will once again trust your Creator and your surrender in total love will be your rescue, not your despair.

All of humanity is basically experiencing the same path of evolution. There is no need for shame or regret because all of you have the same issues. Your current experience may look different, but it is shared by everyone. Lack of trust and a separation from your Source have created this long, long journey of suffering. Now is the time to resurrect yourself fully through love and trust.

When you can finally say, “I will let go of my misconceptions and fears and trust the process, no matter how painful it gets,” you will have taken the hardest step. When you finally face your heartbreak and anger, it is not quite as painful as you expected. The process, if allowed, will take you all the way “home” and you will finally experience the end of all suffering and lack. You will understand the universe and your life with a new level of compassion and acceptance. The struggle that has ruled your life will abate.

Once you have conquered that fear,

everything is open to you and you can

have everything without limitation.

Nothing is withheld from you anymore. You will know with absolute certainty that this universe you have feared for so long will provide everything you ever wanted and everything you ever needed. What you call original sin, which I call the original breach of confidence with God, is basically the last thing you need to conquer. That correlates with the Adam and Eve story, which is a metaphor to describe the lack of trust in God, which led to separation.

Yes, Adam and Eve is just a story recorded with little understanding. Though the allegory in your scriptures may contain some levels of truth, it certainly did not happen that way. The story of Adam and Eve and the fall from grace of humanity is very complex indeed. Some day all the true records will be made available to humanity and you will finally understand and learn much from it. That story is simply an inaccurate representation of what actually happened.

People stopped trusting in their Creator and went into fear. Aurelia has among her possessions a little book called The Sons of God, by Christine Mercer. This is the story of a woman who decided to trust God, no matter what happened to her. Her trust was put to the most extreme tests. She made a determined and heartfelt decision to never, ever again complain about anything. She continued trusting, no matter how painful it became. Even though she made this deep commitment to her “surrender,” she was most severely tested. The happy ending of this true story is that in a short time, she balanced such a tremendous amount of karma that miracles upon miracles began to flow in her life. All she had lost was restored a hundred-fold.

During the testing period she thanked God for every difficulty she was experiencing, knowing that this was going to lead her to something much greater, and it certainly did! She was eventually able to take her body into physical ascension a few years later. At that time, the energies on the planet did not yet support such an activity, as they do today.

This little book made a big impression on Aurelia when she was going through a rather difficult time herself. She read late into the night, from cover to cover, this book she found for $2.00 in a used bookstore. Aurelia’s reaction was, “. . . Hmmm. I guess my situation, which is by no means as severe as hers, could possibly be improved by using the same principles she did.” She reflected in her heart that her attitude toward her life situation was far from graceful or grateful, and that she was harboring resentment.

She read the book twice and then decided to apply the principles in “an attitude of gratitude” as best she could. Aurelia’s situation improved almost immediately, and within a few months she was again happier than she had been in a long time. Her heart was free and her financial situation was restored.

Christine’s book is worth its weight in gold. The way this woman conquered her fears, for herself and in her life, is a great example for everyone to follow.

I would like to explain the purpose of being tested.

Understand that God does not test you just to be malicious. When you open yourself to that surrender for the sake of regaining your spiritual freedom, you are not experiencing an outside force trying to make you uncomfortable. The testing is an opportunity you have invited to clear and balance the negativity you have created in the past. When you choose to heal for your spiritual growth, your I AM Presence will provide the experiences that allow this healing to take place.

When you put yourself into a state of total trust, the universe responds and begins providing immediately.

God does not really want to test you. God is Love and His Love is unconditional. When you open yourself to the surrender we are talking about, the universe will provide all the situations and opportunities needed to balance your issues and heal them forever. In great amazement, you will discover how quickly the universe responds to your requests when you are aligned with Divine Will.

I want to express one more thing before the meditation. The minute you make a true and consistent commitment to your God Presence to totally surrender yourself to the process of change and transformation, your Presence will guide you to the fastest and smoothest way to obtain the object of your desires and to open the “Door of Everything.”

Opening to the will of God is done through surrender. The will of God is the very attribute that will take you all the way home to grace. Souls on this planet need to realize that before they can go to specific masters for initiations and advancement, they must first pass the tests of El Morya, the tests of surrender to the Divine Will. When you decide to make a real commitment to your ascension and to your spiritual journey, if you are not willing to pass the tests of surrender, how will you pass the other tests? Other masters may not be able to work with you until you have understood the various aspects of the Blue Ray. Then, when you have made yourself ready for another master, you are gracefully escorted there with a “recommendation.”

I have been looking forward to giving you this talk about surrender. This is what is most needed at the present time. Going beyond fear is the key. As more and more people let go of their fear, it will become easier for others to do so. If you want to know how you can assist this planet, the most important thing you can do is let go of your own fears. Surrender with Love to what is and let go of all judgment. The more you practice this and encourage others to do the same, the smoother will be the pathway you create for yourself and for the rest of humanity. You can best serve your planet by clearing yourself first.


Journey to the Will of God Temple in Telos

We have in Telos a temple consecrated to the Will of God. There is also such a temple in Darjeeling, India, near Tibet. The retreat of the Will of God is under the guardianship of the master El Morya, both in Darjeeling and Mount Shasta. Many of you go there at night or come here to Telos to learn the initiations of the First Ray, of surrender to Divine Will. Darjeeling is the original temple for the Will of God and it existed long before we built ours in Telos. They both exist in the fifth dimension frequency, and thus are not visible to you. Today, I would like to take you in consciousness to our Will of God temple in Telos.

I ask that you focus in your heart and take several deep breaths. Consciously ask your divine Presence or your higher self to take you on a journey with us to Telos.

See yourself arriving here in your personal merkaba, accompanied by one of your guides. Notice a fairly large opalescent blue structure, quite tall, in the form of a six-sided pyramid. As you approach, everything around you resonates with the beautiful blue energy, so refreshing and soothing. Allow yourself to walk up the mother-of-pearl stairway to the main entrance of the temple. Observe and feel the majestic blue mist emanating from various high fountains all around it. Many varieties of blue flowers growing in white and gold boxes flourish in great abundance around the fountains, including the sweet forget-me-nots. Walk now through the entrance, where three Blue Flame angels are waiting to escort and welcome you.

As you enter the large hallway, see a transparent chamber in the center containing a huge Blue Flame diamond, the biggest diamond that you will ever see, about 15 to 18 feet in height. Your guide invites you to enter that sacred chamber. The diamond contains several thousand facets, each one representing a different aspect of that Diamond Heart of the Divine Will. This diamond is not so different from the one living within your heart, and in time all the wondrous facets of your own diamond heart will become completely activated and restored. Your Diamond Heart and your sacred heart are one and the same; they are components of each other. They are made of an infinite number of chambers, each one corresponding to a facet of your own diamond.

As you come into the sacred chamber of the Divine Will, you are greeted by master El Morya, a tall being with brown eyes who looks very much like a Zen master. He is wearing a blue robe partially covered by a luminescent white cape, with a bluish white and gold turban on his head. He greets and welcomes you to His Diamond Heart, and invites you to find a seat on one of the “blue-flame” cushions. He guides you to focus on the energy of that diamond heart and to breathe in the energies so that you may bring as much of this energy as possible back with you when you return to your physical body. This Blue Ray is the one that gives the power to the Love Ray. All the rays contain love plus the specific attributes of each ray.

In the presence of this diamond you can open all the facets of your own diamond heart that are full of fears, and let them go. Allow the energies of this huge diamond to magnetize and absorb your fears, dear ones, and let them be released and healed. As you release these fears from your heart, you will receive a tremendous healing.

Be aware that it may be difficult to release all your fears and burdens in one visit. This is why we invite you to return to this temple in Telos or in Darjeeling as often as you wish to receive deeper levels of healing. Inner healing is an ongoing process until you reach completion. Consider your efforts as a work in progress, and be willing to stay with the process until all the veils are lifted. Then you will know you are complete.

Now connect with your higher self right above you. Your great I AM Presence, the unlimited being that is really who you are, is waiting for all your fears to be released and healed. Connect with this Divine presence, and if you feel ready, make your commitment to surrender all the fears that have kept you in so much pain, so you can be restored to wholeness.

No matter what may show up in your life tomorrow, it is only a mirror of a fear or old pattern of belief held within yourself that still needs to be resolved and embraced. You will soon come to know, as you do this work, that there is nothing to fear except the illusion of fear itself.

Keep breathing in this wonderful blue flame right into your lungs and heart. Do this consciously because you want to bring this energy back into your physical body. Know that all your multi-dimensional aspects and all the beings of the light realms are supporting your journey home to Divine Grace. You are not alone in your journey; you have so much love and support available to you. You can do it if you choose to.

Feel the soothing action of the blue flame. It has its own way of bringing you comfort and easing all your pain.

Now Master El Morya and I have a gift for each one of you sitting in front of the diamond in our temple. We are going to superimpose a smaller etheric diamond of total perfection, radiating the qualities of the blue-essence, within the energies of your own sacred heart chamber.

This diamond will reflect to you the divine perfection of the diamond heart you are striving to acquire. With this gift, the perfection of the Diamond Heart will be reflected to you constantly, as long as you choose to work with it. We invite you to begin breathing in its energies every day in your meditation. Work with these energies in any way that seems appropriate for you. In your meditation, ask your higher self to show you which facets of the diamond still hold pain or unbalanced attitudes that need to be healed and re-aligned. The diamond you have just received will continue to reflect everything you need for the complete opening and healing of your heart. It will take you to the path of surrender with joy and grace. It is alive and vibrant. Its color reflects a luminescent peacock blue.

Keep breathing its energies with allowance and surrender to what is. Be resolute in walking this path and feel free to communicate with your guide. Stay with this energy and be thankful for the grace you have just received. (Pause)

When you feel complete, return to your body, taking this treasure with you. The more you remain conscious and work with the Diamond Heart, the more its energies will amplify and bless your life. This is a gift or tool we give to you, but it will not help you unless you use it. Remember, what you don’t use, you lose. This Diamond Heart also carries the vibration of self-confidence. Tap into this energy to assist in releasing your fears so that your surrender can be accomplished gracefully.

All the Blue Ray masters are available to you at this time, offering their assistance. When you feel ready, open your eyes. We invite you to return to this healing place often, to meditate with us on the Will of God and to continue to seek your spiritual freedom. And so be it, Beloved I AM.

The world would seem

A much darker place,

If the light of our love for each other,

And the Divine,

Did not flood every step of our path.

– Ahnahmar

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