CERN home of the >CIA

Considering that approximately 15,000 people commute to CERN and/or CIA Headquarters on a daily basis, they must do so via secret underground trains as there are no major parking lots at CERN as seen in the aerial view of CIA Headquarters in Langley, Virginia.


The notion that CERN’s supercomputer is being used as a weapon is foreshadowed in the novel “Angels & Demons” (2000) by Dan Brown which portrays antimattercreated at CERN being used in a weapon against the Vatican. In reality however, CERN is being used as a weapon against all of humanity.


The notion that CERN is responsible for orchestrating the chaos and terror of the underworld is corroborated by a report from June 7, 2015, which stated that the impendingapocalyptic man-made asteroid attack will “be started by CERN’s Large Hadron Collider”.


A secondary report dated June 8, 2015, stated that scientists at CERN could “cause a black hole” and that “The CERN logo is 666 – the sign of the beast” could bring theoretically bring about the “end of days” event as foreshadowed in the book Roman Catholic Church’s Book of Revelation.


In short, CERN is ultimately responsible for any future apocalyptic-like event that could theoretically destroy planet Earth (e.g., asteroid attack, biological pandemic, nuclear terror attack, World War III, etc.) which is exactly what one would expect from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).


_With the CIA trafficking the most drugs, Weapons, human, child trafficking, killings of presidentts, prime ministers and world leaders across the world leading to False colour Revolutions within the past century, it’s a wonder society still doesn’t understand Facebook and many social media networks were created by the CIA and DARPA projects.


>To this day the EXPOSURE of the CIA and World Deep state is on fast track direct to civilizations and societies across the world in the Great AWAKENING movement.

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