ASHTAR COMMAND – The Siren Sounds for Mankind

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The Siren Sounds for Mankind





There must be peace on Earth. There must be an end to wars and hatred between brothers. The millions that come from other worlds, from far-off galaxies to assist in bringing Peace upon Earth, have My staunch support and backing for all of their endeavors. They have come in My Name and they serve under My Banner, as Lord of this Planet. They come not as intruders nor usurpers of My Authority, but in loving subjection to the Spiritual Hierarchy of this Solar System, and the Divine Plan for mankind, the deliverance from bondage that has long held Humanity in subjection to darkness and sorrow.

“This shall be no more, for these come as My Angels, to reap that which has been sown, to divide and set asunder the tares from the wheat, to gather the wheat into My Barn. For I AM the householder who cometh at the end of the day for an account from His Servants, and to give to all men justly in the manner given by them to Me. So judgment must come; divisions and sorrows must come, but the Earth shall survive all of its totterings. The Just shall inherit the New Earth and the Meek shall know the joy therein.

“I am SANANDA, known to you as JESUS THE CHRIST. I speak in the Authority of My Name and My Office, and I say to you that in the multitudes of the people of the Earth there shall be found that Remnant who can steadfastly be faithful to those right principles of my teaching. Those who come In My Name go from heart to heart, sealing them against that day and marking them for deliverance and safety from all that would destroy. But you shall NOT be taken out of your physical forms, but you shall be spared to live on in those days that follow. So, I shall call unto those who follow Me, to listen to the voices of these who come from other worlds, and harden not your hearts against their words nor practices. Rather, lift up LOVE unto them and desire for their coming, for They are the Angels of the Harvest!

I am SANANDA, and this is My Message to the World.

The Siren Sounds for Mankind

In time of war upon the Earth, a shrill siren is used to alert the populace that danger is approaching and that they should retire themselves to a place of she1ter immediately. We of the Interplanetary Alliance and Space Commands of this Hemisphere, known collectively as the Ashtar Command, do now, with the sending forth of this book, sound the siren of warning to Mankind.

Danger is upon you. Drop everything and prepare yourselves. It is time to run toward the shelter of Divine Love and Guidance and to take with you only that which you can carry within the inner citadel of being. The early times of the new decade will see the fulfillment of all the prophecies that have been released to the World.

Down through many cultures, and century after century, we have permitted our Highest and Brightest of souls to come to you and walk amongst you, to teach, to lift and become your friends. You have been taught many things, shown many things, awakened step by step to a higher way of life, an elevated approach to life, and a better way of existence. Precept upon precept, we have lifted you from one level to another.

Many have benefited and have arisen from their darkness and followed that Light. These have intuitively known that the summons was a Call to know themselves and thereby, to undertake that refining of themselves that would reveal the inner divinity. Others have turned their interest elsewhere, ignored the outstretched hand of God, and lifetime after lifetime of opportunity has been squandered by detrimental choices.

Now it is time to separate these Groups in keeping with their choices, and let those who refuse the advancement of their being remain together according to their own desires. The few who have burned within their hearts to find the Ultimate Reality will be permitted to follow these aspirations in the setting of a New World, cleansed and made bright by Universal action.

Increasingly, we have noticed the tendency of the Planet and its people to pull toward an influence designed to destroy the function of free thinking and freedom of Man in making his own choices, governing himself, and managing his national affairs. This diabolical influence has penetrated wholly within every phase of Human life and every avenue of world diplomacy and world statesmanship. Predictably, day-by-day, the freedom of Humanity has been infiltrated with that kind of propaganda which ultimately leads Mankind away from their pure heritage as Sons of God.

The resulting effects are seen not only in the lives of Men, but within the Asteroid Belt and the Planet itself. When Humanity stands free, in the full Light of God’s Universal Law, all government will be ‘Of the People and for the People and by the People.’ But when the heritage of freedom is destroyed, Mankind becomes as puppets on strings, stripped of honor, life, strength, forthrightness and glory!

The Heavenly Father has placed within the burning center of Man that likeness of Himself which enables Man to govern himself in righteousness and peace. The destruction of this center has been the goal of the Destroyer. Now the forces of Light and Righteousness must rise in the defense of Humanity before it is too late. This is the primary action taking place behind the visible scene surrounding all of life.

Now, all levels of life will be highly raised in frequency, and all manifestations of lower life will wither and dissolve and be removed from the visible scene, to reconstruct the Father’s Plan for this beautiful Planet. A new fresh start for Man is in the making! The Astral Belts will be purged, the Heavens will be cleared, the Nature Kingdom will find its true destiny and Humanity will be glorified in keeping with the Father’s design. This is coming to pass in your generation. There is no time left to dally and consider. The hour of decision for a planet is not only come, it is almost gone.

So it is, the ‘siren sounds’ for Mankind, and there is silence in Heaven for that moment that now is, when this great separation shall take place. You who read are versed in the spiritual verities involved. This book will clarify Human consciousness concerning the future on your octave. Read … and understand. –


The mission of grace

I speak for the Most High Command of the Guardian Forces. Preparations are now underway for a great Conclave of the Guardian Action. The masses must somehow be reached with an understanding of our true mission and the purpose of our presence in your skies. All fear must be removed from their hearts through teachings that will help them to understand that we surround your Planet only in an attitude of love and helpfulness and a desire to serve Mankind. Fear of us makes it impossible for the completion of our Mission when the time is come.

There are too many who fear us, too many who would withdraw and hold back should an invitation be given to come with us for rescue. We recognize the problem. We are dealing with it in every possible way through hundreds of precious willing souls Earth-based. We cannot be of help to those who fear us, who do not trust us, and who cannot accept us. The attitude of Humanity must be changed for the great majority, before the hour of crisis. We cannot fulfill the Plan of the Hierarchy or assist Mankind unless the world is enlightened to our purpose and mission.


Messages to Whosever will Hear

Perhaps, dear Reader, it has never entered your conscious thinking process that one in your Third Dimension can actually communicate with one in Higher Dimensions through the process of mind to mind thought placement, or ‘telepathy,’ as it is known. Have you ever seriously considered the possibility of this phenomenon? Can you open your mind to its possibility? Well, then, can we reason together that if it is possible, then it is feasible that some have therefore done so? If some have therefore done so, then it is probable that these Messages have been given and received as has been forthrightly stated.

May we therefore reason further, that if these Messages have so been given and received, then Man IS capable of higher things than that to which he has hitherto applied his mental abilities. It is an accepted principle that Mankind uses but one-fifth of his mental capacities. Why is this so? Is he not further capable of total mental capacity? If not, why not? Earth has programmed its young far too long in an inadequate way, withholding teachings from the toddler until he is a young child, when his mental capacity is ever the same. Precious years of learning are wasted by withholding that learning, when the very young infant is capable of great reasoning power, if you but understood this truism. The inability of the infant to speak audibly is no indication of his mental capacity. In fact, none of you truly need words at all if you would develop the mind to a fuller capacity.

We have taught those who thus ‘hear’ us, through long and tedious training sessions of sitting quietly with us, to become receivers of our transmissions. With some such, an ability has to be developed. With others it was present within at birth. Regardless, it is a fact that Humankind is perfectly proficient of pure telepathy on the highest level of clarity and perception.

Let us then accept the validity of the process and consider the fruit of it. Our mental conversations with our Messengers are as real as your conversations with anyone you know or love or meet. The te1epathic thread of experiencing soundless words within the mind is as lucid and fluent as your own tongue. Do you not also know your friends and loved ones on the telephone by the inflections, the vibrations and tones of their voice, as well as the flow of frequency within your being when that familiar voice is heard? So, likewise, do those with whom we are linked in this fashion, also have those corresponding reactions of recognition and response to one who speaks with them telepathically, with a vibrational form of recognition of the validity of the identification given. In most of these instances, this kind of communication comes with ease where old ties exist between the transmitter and the receiver, just as there have doubtless been times when in close association with one greatly beloved, you have known each other IS thoughts or the words before they were spoken. All of Mankind has known these moments, for the original traits are only idle, not removed.

So you can agree that our method is a valid one; therefore, can you not accept that we are who we say we are and are capable of speaking with you also, and that our identities are true? Ponder on this and do not reject simply because you do not understand or because of unaccustomedness to the presentation. Consider that with God all things are possible. Your researchers have proven that distance, however great it may be, has no effect upon the communication of mind with mind. The power of thought is said to have no limitations or boundaries. Can you build a wall around the thought of a man? You know that you cannot. Thought is as expansive as the Universe itself. Therefore, still the body, quiet the mind, and think on us, and we will respond to those who do in love turn thoughts toward us of the Intergalactic Space Confederation.

All men are capable of cosmic communication. All of Humanity is mentally endowed sufficiently to manifest the aspects of the fully opened mind. The Human brain is fully adequate to operate in all of its capacity and in all of its inherent functions of sensory perceptions beyond that of the physical senses. There is no paradox here. There is no mystery involved. We are discussing a natural phenomenon not in any way religious, nor superstitious, nor that which must be hidden in the archives of old philosophies. This natural ability is within the scope of all mankind, and not merely by a gifted few.

The inability of Humanity to exercise these Divine talents lies in their own misguided concepts and not in their limitations. All of mind is placed at their disposal, requiring only conscious cooperation of the Human consciousness.

The spiritual essence of soul-mind is the key to realization of the fullest potential within the Human lifespan. Mentally speaking, Mankind is still crawling on all fours, when they are capable of walking tall in the gait of the conqueror. The awakening of the resonating center of the Human brain could deliver the Earthean Society from self-imposed limitations, if they would but apply themselves to these concepts.

It is an anachronism that in the days of Earth’s beginnings, all of these experiences were a part of daily existence, but time and tides in the evolution of Men have washed them away. The call reverberates once again for the restoration of Human dignity and the upliftment of Man in to the reality of his Divine Image and His Divine Birthright.

Furthermore, much is yet to come to pass upon the Planet which will necessitate the use of the fullest Cosmic awareness in the turbulence of events that can befall this Planet. Those who are attuned to Universal Forces will experience their own deliverance through Cosmic assistance from the flow of Interdimensional communication.

We pray that the people of Earth will seriously undertake the return to their spiritual inheritance and their true identity in the higher area of consciousness and diligently apply themselves to throwing off the slothfulness of the materialistic thought forms. Arise from the sleep of death and reach for the Life that flows unhindered throughout the Universe. This is the call that now comes, and may the Eartheans answer quickly and willingly and set in motion this quest for full spiritual participation in the Cosmic language of the Universe.


I am Ashtar, the Commander of ten million men of my Command surrounding this hemisphere in the protective force within the Alliance for Peace in the Intergalactic Council. We have called upon this Messenger to compile this book for this point in Earth time that Mankind might consider and understand the details of those things that could come to pass, for Our Father doeth nothing except first He warneth His prophets.

There is method and great organization in a detailed plan already near completion for the purpose of removing souls from this planet, in the event of catastrophic events making a rescue necessary. We watch diligently, the threat of a polar shift for the planet in your generation. Such a development would create a planetary situation through which none could survive. This would necessitate an evacuation such as I have referred to.

Another Manifestation necessitating global rescue would be the collision of an asteroid within your own magnetic field, or the bypass of another large Heavenly body. This would so disrupt and disturb your own grid system and energy field that all of the inhabitants of the planet would face extinction. The negativity of Man could magnetize these things to himself. Detailed scientific data accumulated over long periods of monitoring the actions of the bodies within the solar system indicates these events are within the realm of possibility.

This book is not intended to frighten anyone, but on the contrary, to hold out the hope and confidence of our presence with you for any time of trouble. The dangers to the planet are very real. The resulting tragedy to Humanity would be unavoidable. However, our presence surrounding you of the total thirty-five million members of the Intergalactic Federation will assist you, lift you up and rescue you, and hold you in safety.

The magnetized solar flares now present around the Sun in its present position, in conjunction with the planetary alignment that is presently coming into its final position, combines to create a strong tendency to pull the Earth into untoward motion. The possible polar shift has been greatly lessened and gentled by the action of our scientific volunteers from many worlds. These are greatly learned men who understand these things, and whose services have gladly been given for the purpose of saving this beautiful planet. There are also tracking units with the Ashtar Command which continually trace the pathways of all asteroid action within this solar system and beyond. Any threatening approach of another Heavenly body can be strongly averted from its direction. This type of surveillance is constant.

Inner disturbances taking place within the planet itself are direct reflections of the aspirations and the attitudes and vibrations of those who dwell upon it. We have repeatedly attempted to turn the thoughts of Humanity toward the reality of Divine Truth and Principles. We have dared to lower our craft into your frequencies in a visible way. We have dared to expose ourselves in vulnerable situations in order to convince souls of Earth of our presence.

Now we take further steps, because of the shortness of time and the dangers that beset you and the pressure of coming events. We come to you once again with our call and our warning, but this time WE DARE to expose our most secret strategy to sound the alarm that this will soon indeed be the midnight hour. Now is the time to inventory the inner values. Therefore, we dare to expose within the pages of this book, our plans to come out into the open [the Galactic Federation program of ‘First Contact’] and send proof of our presence and existence back to the Earth to silence forever arguments and denials of our overshadowing protection. This is the new strategy unveiled to you at this time in exposing our proposed gatherings of those who have come to walk among you as our representatives. They have to work in service to you, and we dare to reveal them and their identities, for no harm can come to them. We would simply remove them from your midst if you were to attempt to harm them in any way.

They are citizens of your planet, who have lived with you, suffered with you, walked with you and truly been one of you. Now we call them forth to admit their identity, to be gathered together to spend a brief time with us that they might return to you and share with you the facts and the proofs of our existence and the truth of our words.

The Ashtar Command now sends forth this book, that you, oh men of Earth, might be forewarned that these things shall take place. As these are gathered with us and returned once again into your midst, you will know that the events described in these councils are also true. You will know that global evacuation will take place. You will be helped and you will be rescued and by the proofs that are given our representatives who return to you, you will know that our promises are true.

We leave this book upon the planet for the few who will accept it. These words are not for the many, but for those to whom they are sent; more importantly, that later, those who remain behind will know why they have not been taken. Let all read and be quickened in the inner levels of being!


Key to open

I am Ashtar, in the process of attempting to straighten out numerous conditions that affect this Planet Shan [Earth]. We are going to give you certain information, in the future, that will weld together the two great sciences of your people. I refer to all branches of material science and religion. These two are one in truth, separated only by a gap that we shall give you the key to close.

“In the Quadra Sector Blaau, Man on the Planet Shan will have no further use for the misconception that he is faced with in the form of religion, for science of truth, seen and unseen, is the basis of religion, not ancient scriptures, misinterpreted, mistranslated and misconstrued by those who deliver lectures, but based on the true science of life in all phases. Organized scientists are beginning now to explore these realms of the unseen.

My love to you, I am Ashtar.

Ashtar Speaks to Men of Earth

Greetings, people of Earth. I am Ashtar, of the Ashtar Universal Command of Free Planets. I come to you today to give you a brief summary of the total amount of information and guidance that we have given through this channel, Gabriel Green, over the last 13 years.

To begin with, your planet, the planet Earth, is at a crossroads. Since your people have been given free will- -the freedom to express evil as well as good, the choice as to whether your planet and its peoples will transcend this critical period in its evolution and evolve into the New Age relatively non-destructively, is a choice that your people must make collectively.

There is still time, people of Earth, to make this choice and to resolve the many problems that you have been facing for eons of time. But you must act. Freedom is a privilege, and it must be earned. It has been an expression of your people that your people deserve the Leaders that they get.

It has been our purpose to help you as a people, to so see the issues facing your world, that you will select those leaders who can lead you into a more positive direction. We will do our part in helping to inspire and guide and raise the consciousness of your people, so that they can qualify for, and will work to elect, Leaders who will have the good of the people at heart.

You (the Light Workers), over the last 35 years, have built an area of understanding and consciousness in millions of people that was not formerly there. So that now there is tremendous potential in the quantity of your people who now have the higher awareness oriented to the needs of all the people of your world, rather than to the special interest factions who are served by your present world leadership.

This IS the Time of the End. At the present time you are going through the Last Days of the old Piscean Age. It remains to be seen whether these days become the End of the World for the majority of your people, or the beginning of a glorious New Age that can be manifested within the next couple of decades. If you will follow the guidance that has been given to Gabriel, and to other leaders of your Flying Saucer-New Age Movement, we will be able to help you to transcend this critical period in your evolution, and to enter the New Age in a less destructive fashion.

There are to main points that you should be aware of:

  1. God’s Kingdom is going to be manifested on this Earth soon, one way or another. It will be the free will choice of your people to decide which way will be chosen. One will end your present civilization as you presently know it. The other, less destructive way, will help you to evolve through educational processes into the glorious future that will lead you to travel with your brothers and sisters of the stars.

It is now possible for each of you to contribute to manifesting this Kingdom, if you will put your shoulder to the wheel, and will help to bring God’s government into manifestation as it has been given to our Ambassador and Messenger, Gabriel Green. The Keys to the Kingdom have been given to Gabriel for the purpose of sharing with you details of the way you can participate in helping this Kingdom to now manifest on your Planet. The Universal Economic system and the United World are ‘The Keys to the Kingdom.’

  1. The second important factor to manifest, is the Second Coming of your Christ to the Planet Earth. This happening will take place when enough of your people have been raised in consciousness to prepare them for this glorious event. When the Gospel (Good News) of God’s Kingdom on Earth has been preached throughout the World, then the end shall come, or the Second Coming of the Christ of the Aquarian Age shall take place.

This shall be a wondrous event, shared in by the Angelic Host (millions of your Space Brothers and Sisters from throughout the Cosmos) in their magnificent ships which will be seen in your skies.

The Christ of the Aquarian Age will arrive in the First public spaceship landing, to be seen by all of your people on international satellite television, and by other advanced scientific processes where such television is not available.

This shall bring about a wondrous age of change in the lives of all of your people, which has been long awaited and prophesied in your various Holy works. There is yet time, people of Earth, for you to bring about the more idealistic and positive transformation of your Planet. But you must work together. This is imperative now. You must share in your effort to bring about a non-destructive transformation of all things on your Planet – social, economic and political.

Within the next few decades you will be making your choices. So do not hesitate to serve the cause of the Father and His Will for your people. I, Ashtar, of the Free Federation of Planets, Commander of the Universal Confederation of Planets Space Corps, have spoken to you, and give you my love.

Atomic warfare will not be tolerated

Atomic warfare will not be tolerated upon your Planet. A strike by any Nation designed to involve another Nation will be immediately thwarted by our technology. Efforts to accelerate a build-up of arms will be hindered and plans to increase world armament will be sabotaged by our intervention.

We have now ceased our preventative action in the fault lines. We no longer hold back the tide of the great oceans. We do continue our patrol of the pole lines and control any pole action as much as possible, but eventually that, too, will yield to the inrushing tide of Earth- shaking eventualities.

An edict from the Spiritual Elohim has enforced these decisions. We act or cease to act, only upon the authority of the Highest Spiritual level of the Solar System. Therefore, in view of the new policy in the action of the Guardians, we are advising you that the severest upheavals are drawing closer each day. International policies and world decisions have brought about a ‘hands off’ position in our surveillance of the Planet. We are no longer permitted to stern the tide in the face of International manipulation. Let the deeds of the Warlords come down upon their own heads, for in time, those that are to be lifted away will be lifted away, and what is to be, will be. The maudlin, indifferent mass of Humanity has not cared to change their World for the better, but rather, have yielded their resistance to oppression. Where are the great voices to be raised in favor of freedom and peace! Where are the orators of democracy and man’s inalienable rights?

Messages to World Leaders and to World Conspirators

Greetings, thou Being of Shan [Earth]. In the Light of Love and Peace I come to you. Commandant of the Station Schare. I am Ashtar. Having returned to the Station Schare from the Center, I advance to your scientists the following information:

We have told you that the element Hydrogen is a living substance. In the composition of your physical being, in the air you breathe, in the water you drink, are five elements of living substance besides Hydrogen – the elements Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon, Fluorine and Sodium. Much of your material science has been directed to disproving theory that does not conform to the personal beliefs of some scientific authority. Among the scientific mentalities of this planet, Shan, are many minor scientists, who do not have the authority to change these opinions that have been disproved. We have advanced you information in the faint hope that some of your governmental authorities would grasp the fact that with the explosion of living substance they create a condition parallel to what you scientists call ‘frozen equilibrium.’ This release of free Hydrogen into the atmosphere of this Planet will cause flames to engulf many portions of this Planet momentarily. Those in authority in the governments are assuming direct responsibility not only for the people inhabiting this planet, but their own immediate families, wives, children, parents and relatives are also their responsibility, for these dear ones shall not escape. You in authority of the governments of the Planet Shan, think twice if you would have your loved ones with you. Consult your physicists. Ask them about the parallel condition of frozen equilibrium. They will inform you, if they speak the truth and are not influenced otherwise by the forces of Darkness, that this is truth.

Wake up, you who would believe only those who direct you. Stand before the people. Tell those who influence your mental decisions that they, too, are involved. In the light of love, I transmit you a continuous beam here, through a ventla which has been stationed in this cone of receptivity at a level 72,000 miles above you, beyond reach of any traps. I shall return. My love, I am Ashtar.

Ashtar Command Communiqué

The Ashtar Command is present overhead everywhere upon the Planet. There are thousands and thousands of ships in our many Fleets that make up the Ashtar Command. We are the Etherians, and ours is the authority that controls the entire Space Program for the Planet.

We have stated that Mankind is responsible to himself to search out his weaknesses and to call upon the Higher Ones for strength to change for the better. Man is Master of his fate and Captain of his soul. He is accountable for all the great releases of Light that have been given to the Planet century after century and civilization after civilization.

We have endured the ridicule and the foolishness of your media with longsuffering and patience.

We have endured while our Representatives and those whom we have contacted have been swayed from their convictions by the eloquence of your Federal officials. There have been times when we have been amazed that this could take place, but this is the way of your Planet. In the coming decades there will be signs in the Heavens that your glib talking officials will be unable to deny. For an awakening has come at last to the population of the Planet and an awareness of the purpose of help of a high order coming to Mankind, ever closer and closer, every day that passes.

We of the Ashtar Command would speak to your world Leaders and the spokesmen of your great Assemblies, and CHALLENGE them to trust our words and believe in our presence and begin to accept the help which we bring to your world. The worldwide problems that beset your United Nations on every hand, can be solved in the unity and cooperation of your people with your friends and brothers from other worlds. This ostrich-like position that has prevailed in the last two decades can no longer stand the test of events that are about to come to pass. Once again we extend the hand of friendship and an offering to share our intelligence and research, our assistance in all of the programs that are underway for the benefit of Humanity.

We only ask that you lay down your arms, that you lay aside your plans for nuclear destruction, that you cease to pervert the great discoveries of energies, and that you start to convert them for the benefit of all Humanity. The Ashtar Command calls upon the military men of this Planet to meet together in one place at one time and forge an agreement for Worldwide Peace, that is not false words upon paper but is the depth of feeling within the heart of every military statesman!

Because of your indifference and your ridicule to channel our words and our directives through the men and women of the land in an official capacity, our approach in an official way of many years ago was spurned by your global authorities.

Once again for a brief period, we extend to your President, the House of Representatives, the men of your Senate, and all of your National Leaders, our hand of friendship and cooperation. In the Name of the salvation of the 1ife of Humanity, we ask that you would receive our words and welcome us to speak in your Assemblies: We have those who can walk among you and never be noticed for all their similarity to your own appearance. They can suddenly appear behind your rostrum and speak to the Members of your Congress. We would prefer to be invited to do this. If we are not invited to do this, we may have to arrange our own opportunity to speak to these Gentlemen. For there is too much at stake on a planetary basis as well as Interplanetary reactions to stand by without an effort to probe the motivations behind the present world disorder.

We send this message as an advancing envoy and ask the World Leaders and the Governments of all the World to make a place for our Spokesman upon your agendas. If the space is made, the Spokesman will appear!

This Message is sent to Planet Earth by Members of the Ashtar Command. Peace on Earth! Good Will toward Men!

Gentle, loving words from Commander Ashtar

Observations from out vantage point give a dimension to perspective not present from your octave. At times the reports of our brethren would seem, to the unlearned, to be of negative nature and perhaps, disarming. But not only must individual souls reach attainment through initiation, but likewise, it is so with nations, cultures, and planets as they all evolve together.

Thus, one must attempt not to see sorrow, but to perceive great joy in the emerging New Age, the New World, made clean and wholesome through the permissiveness of the Radiant One – not caused or created by Him but, through the will of Mankind, permitted by Him. So shall each soul of this cycle and culture learn its great lessons and record them in each memory bank for higher evolution along the pathway.

The seeming hardships of the moment will pass in the twinkling of an eye as the great separation takes place. No more shall two families inhabit the Earth, but one only – the Children of Light, the family of God, who have proven their loyalty time and time again.

Be ye not fearful of disasters, but cover them with Great Golden-White Light and thank the Father for changes allowed to purify this beautiful Earth. Weep not at the cross of Man’s karma, but rejoice at the resurrection of his Soul-Self in the will of God. So are not we all, not prophets of darkness, but rather, messengers of Great Light, Great Joy, Great Culmination of the Divine Plan to be fulfilled. Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done, on Earth … as it is in Heaven!

Fret not for the deep waters between, but hold thine eyes upon the crossing of those dark waters, and rejoice that all of those Radiant Ones upon Earth shall, like the Beloved Master, walk upon the waters of adversity as conquerors, victorious and unharmed. Be at peace. Adonai. I am Ashtar.


I say, it will be settled, not by any natural advantage of superior numbers of the use of weapons devised by scientists who have (or think they have) contacted and harnessed the secret powers of Universal Energy. I say NOT SO! It will be brought to an abrupt and incontrovertible conclusion by an “Act of God” comparable to none heretofore known to mortals. This Planet is not caught in a net of inextricable difficulties but is emerging from its superimposed domination by semi-demonic demagogues leading to its destruction. It is placing its trust in the only Power able to deliver it from its impending fate.

I say to you in all sacred solemnity of pronouncement, this, thy Country shall be saved as by a miracle! I say not it will be a peaceful deliverance but through the unfaltering loyalty of millions who place their faith in thy Master, the Christ of God, this Land will be cleansed from the abominations now infesting it. It shall be the center from which shall issue those injunctions and powerful energies which shall lead the World into an intense, burning desire to know and to do the Will of the Lord God of All Creation, as revealed by their coming King, who shall reign over this regenerated World without hindrance from those who now harass and seek to destroy His faithful servants.


This is Ashtar, Commander of the Galactic Fleets in this Hemisphere and representative of the Universal Council of the Confederation of Planets and the Alliance of member Worlds of this Universe, releasing this official communiqué:

I speak to the people of Earth this day in deepest concern for your welfare and your present situation of crisis throughout many Nations. A great alert exists in Heavenly realms due to the danger that all of you now face. It is the desire of the other Worlds of your Universe to stand beside you and to be a friend to your World, as it seeks to aright itself upon the Path of Peace. An intense desire is present in the hearts of the multitudes to see a World Agreement drawn which will eliminate armament competitiveness and remove the ever-present threat of an accidental or intentional thrust into nuclear conflict.

We stand by to assist in the drafting of such an Agreement, and to assist in its enforcement if we are called upon to do so. It is now more than one World….it is time to think upon ONE UNIVERSE, with men of all Worlds bonded together in a testament of Love and Trust. All people know that war is not the answer to the problems of Earth. LOVE is the answer, and the only answer that will dissolve the mistrust, the chicanery and the World materialistic Cartels of Greed and Tyranny.

In times long past, we have looked upon other Worlds bent on self-destruction; we have pleaded and sent our calls, but we were ignored. We could but stand in the shadows and behold their annihilation, and the debris of their ignorance as it scattered to the four winds of the Universes atmosphere, affecting much of other life in many directions. Because of the horror of those memories, the Intergalactic Council for Universal Peace was formed, not unlike the organization of United Nations upon your World, with the exception that our pact is enforced and adhered to steadfastly. Due to the integrity of this Alliance and its approval by the Spiritual Hierarchy of this Universe, we have been allowed the Authority to intervene in any planetary situation which threatens harm to another World within this System of Worlds.

We warn your Leaders, with much love and concern, that intervention of a drastic nature will take place in your midst if you persist to a conclusion your preparations to plunge the planet Earth into full-scale nuclear conflagration. Under existing Universal Law and Intergalactic Allied Agreement, you will not be permitted to do this. The decision is in your hands, to a certain point. Should you determine to pursue your present course, you will no longer remain in control of your Planet. Intervention will be initiated which will preserve the Earth and its surrounding Galaxy.

It is now time for Humanity to cease from its childish war games and become Man, with an awakened sense of his responsibility and accountability for life on Earth. In spite of the many now on Earth who plot and plan otherwise, this Planet will yet become a Member of its own peaceful Solar System and Galaxy, and will become a part of the Universal Alliance for Peace.

We appeal to your military strategists to open their eyes to reality, and the danger you bring upon yourselves – the unnecessary Intergalactic Pressures and planetary woes you face if you choose not to do so.

Alternative to this dreaded eventuality, working together as Brothers, we have many unheard-of technological advances to share with you reaching into every area of life upon your Planet, which will bring you a better and more beautiful world in which to continue your spiritual evolution. You can anticipate a wonderful interchange of revelations of Outer Space secrets presently undreamed of. Be prepared to share Intergalactic protocol and cultural exchange. The Alliance for Universal Peace stands prepared at this moment to release to you desired advancements in the fields of medicine, science and free energies, wisdom, discoveries and space travel unlimited.

Lay down your arms, lay aside your stockpiles of destruction and determine through your United Nations channels, to negotiate with your Brothers of Outer Worlds, for the advancement of your World in Universal affairs. Is this not a more inspiring thought than to consider the pathway of annihilation you have outlined for yourselves!

Agree to send forth, from the channels of your United Nations body of statesmen, the call and the desire to negotiate with the Representatives of your own Galaxy, high in Intergalactic affairs. You will be answered!”

I am Ashtar, representing The Universal Alliance for Peace to All Mankind.

Beloved JESUS-SANANDA addresses The Great Council

Courageous, loyal and devoted Lords and Ladies of this and many great galaxies, you have given me a very pleasant chore this afternoon, in speaking and meeting with all of our dedicated Leaders and Directors of our great Intergalactic program for Peace. I am the honored one in beholding your beautiful countenances and responding to the love that flows through each one of your beings and outward toward me.

I have come to join with all of you in this final preparation for that great event which we have planned together for so long. It is a great moment for my own heart, as it is for yours. We have not only labored in the planning for the event, we have likewise labored in the effort to prevent its necessity. Now we must secure our decisions and go forward with our Plan.

In the beginning of our active programming we will have the assistance of the entire Angel Kingdom, under the supervision of Michael and His Legions. EI Morya will exercise his administration of the Blue Flame of protection and build a wall of Blue Fire around each chela who is destined to be taken into your midst and to be returned again for the final stages of their service to Humanity. Each one, I am assured, will be surrounded in the circle of Blue Flame from the first divine ray of manifestation, and Michael’s Angels will be bodyguards to them all. All of this attention, plus your own beams upon them directly from your craft, should well protect them and their mission from all harm and interference.

We have brought all of you together in this conference for a feeling of encouragement as well as for practical reasons. Let us join in Love to one another as we realize that the long battle soon will end, that our efforts for the planet Earth shall soon see fruition and the joyful reunion of all of us with our brothers and sisters in service there.

We have great things and great surprises in store for them, and words cannot describe the joy with which we anticipate this great reunion. We must realize and understand that both the leadership meetings and the evacuation stages may be a great shock to some of them. Their Human reactions may be unprepared for these events. It is for this reason that a book is now being prepared through the coordinated efforts of Kuthumi and the Ashtar Command, in which most of these details wi11 be revealed to all the souls of Light. I have requested that this very Conclave be included in its contents. We have had to proceed with great caution in revealing our strategy and plans for this new touch with Mankind. We have had to consider his binding theological prejudices, his apathy, his indifference, his general close-mindedness in most of these things, but most of all, his outright hostility to those whom the Father has sent to reason with him. Because of this militancy, our progress for the World Plan has been delayed for twenty-five years. Many have wearied that it would ever come to pass, not only of your group, but our Earth contactees as well.

We are trusting that the witness of these Special Leaders and their campaign outlining the Divine Program of rescue by those whom the Father will send to them, will in that dark hour of Earth’s evacuation, proceed with a minimum of interference from man.

I send a special dispensation of annointing for this task upon all of these whom you will take into your midst. They shall carry within their inner being great power and perseverance in this ongoing battle for the minds of men. They shall not be left unequipped without the proper spiritual weapons with which to carry forward this encounter. All shall be filled with spiritual power and annointed to meet every need from the overflow of their inward blessings.

They will have constant attunement with those of you who guard them and guide their ministries. The mystical objects you have prepared for them represent a great contribution for their behalf, and this will secure for them all of the remaining protection that is necessary. When the days of evacuation are upon us, these will be the ones to whom you will turn for the help that is needed upon Terra. Those few moments of feverish action will bring about the gathering of the wheat into my barn for the Eternal Harvest.

I convey to you, Ladies and Gentlemen, the total gratitude of the Celestial Government of this Solar System for your long participation in the Divine Plan for planet Earth. Yours is the supreme example of that kind of life that has been held out to Mankind through many aeons of time. As you fellowship with them, they will see and absorb the Love that abounds within you and will be drawn to your governing philosophies of freedom and respect for the Divine image within all of the Father’s creation. My blessings radiate to each one of you and overshadow you with the emanations of my own Light as you have so beautifully earned the ‘well done’ of Our Father. Friends of the highest purity and worthiness, I thank you.

Thus spoke Our Lord Jesus, or, as He is known to them, Beloved Great Commander Sananda – the Radiant One – to all of these great Ones in attendance at this vital Tribunal.

Accounting and Recording

You are rapidly moving internally from an awareness of a possibility of these events to pass on to an absolute knowing that the accounting and recording must be activated now. The Trumpets will be soon sounded, and with the sounding, will come forth my children to be lifted up by the vibration each of your souls have achieved. Commitment to an Institution, Church, or Synagogue will not assure salvation. But those who have sincerely sought out the love of God in their hearts and then applied those higher principles of service and joy toward the higher development and service to others. Knowledge from book-learning will profit nothing. The gathering of knowledge and wisdom in thought and deed will count for everything.

Woe, that I weep for the children who have not learned from Earth and will not be prepared to move into the Higher Worlds with me. They must suffer more experiences until they surrender to the loving Father who can cleanse their pain, dry their tears, and purify their hearts. Many are called, as always, but few have developed the eyes to see and the ears to hear.

Let go immediately of any unresolved energies or emotions which are binding you to Earth, whether it is the sin of attachment to material possessions or the continual lustful thoughts of passion in your mind. Release your resentments, your fears, your needs to feed your ego. Forgive your neighbor, your friends, and even the bums in your community. Judge nothing as less than Divine, perfect in its own unique way. Accept everything equally as beautiful and good. Trust that life force/source to sustain you with all that you need now and in the days to come. All is God! Awaken to the glory of that joy as creation is spun from the illusion of separation into the Oneness of creation for all to witness that participate.

Oh, Father, bless and rejoice for each soul that moves forward with me. Bless those who are not ready, that their evolution be quickened.

My love constantly abides with all of you. Soon you will see me, as now you consciously feel me.” – Jesus

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